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Hi there!

I'm a product designer based in London, with a background in History of Art and financial research for investors. This has given me skills in empathy, visual analysis and commercial knowledge.

My Work

Device - Macbook Pro (1).png

Voice-based Age Estimator

A web-based app which estimates the age of users from their voice using AI technology.

(Project with ParallelChain)

KYC Product - SaaS

Device - Macbook Pro (2) (1).png

Developing a SaaS product, a Know-Your-Customer platform for verifying identification for customer checks.

Interfaces designed for both B2B (dashboard and management) and B2C interactions. 

(Project with ParallelChain)

Foodie App

Foodie simplifies building and sharing restaurant lists amongst friends.

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Iphone 14 - 1 (5) (1).png

Other Work

My research work, social media and content creation.

Excel (1)_edited.png
Iphone 14 - 1 (6) (1).png
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